Wednesday, November 23, 2011

INCONCEIVABLE! - November 23, 2011

Inconceivable, that's exactly how I felt about it. Late last night and just before retiring to my bed, I was at my computer.  I decided to check in on my author site with Crossbooks, the company that published my book, Faith like Fire.  I hadn't looked at it in while and randomly thought about it, so I decided to check in.  The company had done some redesign work on the website and I had some trouble with my password.  The trouble was me and not the company.  Yes, I'll admit it.  I couldn't remember my password.  Hey, it was late!  Can I use that excuse?
After requesting the password be sent to my email account, I had to wait fifteen minutes to receive it.  I decided to peruse the bookstore while I waited.  I noticed the block of books advertised as Best Sellers.  I'm always curious about not only what books they are publishing but also if there are any recognizable authors.  It's not like anyone knows who I am so I guess I feel like if they published my book, it would be awesome to be in the company of someone whose name is recognized.
I clicked on the Best Sellers and found an interesting array of books.  There was one author whose name I recognized.  It was John Besangno.  He's authored over 30 books so I would expect him to be on the Best Sellers list.  There are only 25 listings for this category and they are listed on two pages.  I hit the "Next" tab to go to the second page and there it was.  Faith like Fire was #16 on the Crossbooks Best Seller listing!!!
INCONCEIVABLE!  The dictionary defines that as, "Unimaginable: impossible to imagine, to grasp mentally or to understand." It further states, "So unlikely as to be beyond belief or thought to be impossible."  Once again, God has amazed me with the pure, unadulterated evidence of His great power!  I left the computer, doing the King David dancing in the streets move and gave glory to God. After my private celebration, I headed off to bed where I could chat with the true author of the book and just say to Him, "Look what you did!"
What a great prelude to Thanksgiving.  I am so blessed and have so much to be thankful for, most of all in those blessings is the way this amazing Father God continues to choose to use me. Perhaps there's something in your life that seems inconceivable to you.  Have you surrendered your small or seemingly insignificant purpose to this awesome God who uses the weak and is made great in the process?  Give it a try.  Less than a full year ago there were two words that I couldn't imagine would ever be used with my name.  They are "Author" and "Best Seller."  Hmmm...makes you wonder what might be the possibilities of God's work in our lives in 2012. It all depends on the amount of trust we have in Him.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May the Author and Finisher of our Faith bless you all.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Serendipity - November 19, 2011

SERENDIPITY: The accidental discovery of something pleasant,valuable, or useful.
That's what I had today, a serendipity.  My friend called and she was busy ironing. Now the weather has been terribly cold and those temperatures were giving way to a higher mercury and some sunshine. I already know how her Saturday's always involve the care giving of someone else so I asked her about her schedule.  It's usually pretty complex and difficult to arrange time together without planning ahead.  We decided to seize a small block of time while her aunt was having her hair done.  We knew it would be a small window of opportunity to connect but we also knew there was a Starbucks half-way between where we each would be.  Almost with covert style, she called when Auntie was in the care of the hairdresser and she was able to slip away.  I sat out for the Starbucks, as did she, contemplating the whole way which delectable drink I might consume. 
The Starbucks was pretty busy outside but there was no wait inside.  As we checked out the menu, I lamented about how I always order the same thing, a skinny vanilla latte.  I know, I'm not skinny but hey, I'm trying.  But this was our covert, quick little sneak a break for 45 minutes, so I said, "I might just step out of my box." Then as I glanced at the seasonal delights, there it was. A Peppermint Mocha Latte that only had 100 calories was on the board! Wiping my drool from my chin, I excitedly ordered.  Then my friend and I realized that they were a bogo - buy one, get one free from 2-5 pm!  It was 2:15 and God had made His will known to us.  Once we had our drinks we decided to go out to the car and nestle into our seats and begin our 45minute vacation.  It was glorious!  The sun was shining and it was so warm we had the windows down.  Keep in mind, it didn't get out of the 40's the day before!
We had the best time talking, laughing and sharing our hearts.  Really, it seemed to go by rather slow. Maybe it was just that we had slowed down and allowed ourselves to step out of the business of the day and escape from the stress of other responsibilities. We had dismissed the usual habit of thinking that unless we can have a couple of hours together, we're not able to meet. It felt fun to conquer the time, step out of the usual, and to sneak in a visit. I hope it brightened what is usually mundane routine for her.  I know it did for me.
So what's the point of the this blog?  It's to say, "Get out of your box.  Break out of your routine and grab yourself a few minutes of good old fashioned fun."  A mini-vacation with a friend can be 45 minutes in the front seat of your car.You might even get a bogo in the deal.  I think God likes it when we take care of ourselves even in the midst of caring for so many others. He did this himself.  Jesus would be in the midst of a lot of activity.  He'd be preaching, healing, and doing all the "God-Stuff" but he would know when he needed to get in the boat and row out for a bit.  I say, "Get your oars and row out, even if it's only for 45 minutes.

Friday, November 18, 2011

I went to get groceries today and discovered that everyone had the same idea I did.  It was a Thanksgiving preparation rush.  Seriously? I thought I was the only one who thought I was the savvy shopper and would have what I needed before all the hoarders got there. WRONG! I got my first clue when I perused the aisles in the parking lot.  "What is this, free groceries day?" It looked like the Chesapeake Jubilee had been moved down the street to Harris Teeter.  I know; you're thinking why didn't you go to Walmart or Food Lion or somewhere else?  It's because I love the produce at Harris Teeter. It's always fresh and even if you did get something that had a less than welcome shelf life, they take it back and double your money for having to come back.  Now that's customer service!
Anyway, back to my story.  Soon after entering with my cart and thinking, "I can conquer this in spite of the crowd", I soon realized it wouldn't be as easy as I thought.  You see, mothers had come with their darlings. Not only had they packed their darlings but they also had their tri-fold coupon notebooks, their calculator and their colored marking pens as they slowly scrutinized labels. The older darlings had been assigned to care for the younger darlings and it was soon apparent that they had clocked out on that job.  Lucky me! Everything on my list was apparently on hers!
I soon realized that I had a choice to make. My shopping experience could be my attempt at a jet-paced, erratic run from isle to isle, or I could take a deep breath and pray silently. "God, what's up with this?" I'm truly grateful that the Holy Spirit helps me when I'm not feeling necessarily spiritual. You know, like you feel as soon as you leave church and before you get into the traffic. It's the feeling where you go out thinking, "I want to be just like Jesus." Or it may be that you go out with a new realization that God has a purpose for all things at all times. Usually I don't have these feelings when I'm grocery shopping.  I have to really depend on the Holy Spirit to guide me when I'm foolishly lost in myself. Grocery shopping is almost always one of those times.
Again, back to my story.  Thankfully, I slowed down and realized that this might be one of those times when God wanted to use me.  So I altered my attitude a bit.  OK, I altered it a lot!  I began to interact with others on every isle where I found myself shopping.  It turned into a truly blessed time.  I don't know if it blessed anyone else, but it sure did bless me. I got everything I needed and my day wasn't ruined over a crowded store.  More important, I felt so grateful that God tuned me into His spirit and helped me to see that it's in the simple daily task that He was most often found ministering.  I think it must have blessed Jesus to do it that way. I got that today.
Then this evening we went out to get some dinner together. We ran into some friends at the restaurant and they ask us to join them at their table.  We had a delightful time together. It was a great time of sharing some laughter, and also some of our individual faith journeys. When it came time to pay our bill we discovered that when they left they had paid for our meal.  What a blessing!  I think it was God's way of saying, "Thanks for listening Pat. See, how good it feels when someone blesses you?" I needed that reminder.
Be a blessing. It feels good.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rest Well - November 17, 2011

Funny how one day the temperature can be nearly 80 and the next day it doesn't get out of the 40's.  Here where I live we had just that kind of change from yesterday to today. Even though it was a bit windy yesterday, I loved the sunshine and the warm temp.We had two days of bliss and then the plunge.  Not only was it colder today it also rained. I'm not just talking about for a few hours but all day long. As I delighted in the beautiful, warm days, I kept saying, "This is no doubt the last of the good weather!"  Can you tell that I'm not much of a cold weather girl?  If you throw all day rain into the cold then let's just say, "I'm not coming out to play!"
So play inside is exactly what I did today.  I kept my nearly 18 mo. old grandson all day long.  I love those days for a lot of reasons but today I loved it for the innocence of play that we so enjoyed together.  We rolled on the floor laughing, we sorted seashells into bowls, we read books and marched and sang.  We nestled up close in the rocking chair and felt the close love that we share. He, nodding off into sleepy land and I, captivated by his presence, seemed to rock endlessly.
Then it hit me.  That's what had been so good about this lousy, cold day.  It slowed me down from all the running around.  It kept me inside and focused on the fun we could have together.  It gave me moments of listening to his great attempts at forming words and sharing his thoughts.  Most of all, it was that quiet, rocking chair time when few if any words were spoken.  It was pure innocence and total trust wrapped in my arms. WOW, do you suppose that's how our heavenly Father feels when I slow down from the rush, spend time with Him and try to put words to my thoughts. Likewise, is He captivated with my complete trust and rest in Him? Yes, I think He is and I just love picturing that.  Spend some time with your Heavenly Father tonight and rest well everyone.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Holding On to Stuff - November 11, 2011

Yesterday was a great day. I had the entire day to work in my office. It was great to hit the Itunes and have songs of praise floating around me as I sat at my computer. In addition to that, Kuerig has their Gingerbread coffee out on the shelves now and there I was, nurturing a warm cup like it was a baby.  Hmmmm....this was going to be a great day!
 I spent the day working on projects that are scheduled for 2012. I get really excited as I am creating and planning. That's because I never know how God will work, who he will bring across my path, or how he even might change my plans so they are aligned more with His.  I surely want Him to do that.  I can't always know what He wants when I am beginning a work for Him but I do know He is always able to show me along the way. I don't just wish for that, I have been promised by Him that He will do just that.  "For this God is our God forever and ever, he will be our guide even tot he end." Proverbs 48:14
As I worked, sometimes moving about my office, I began to see the toll that a move, publishing a book, and the hectic schedule had had upon my office.  There were literally piles everywhere!  The walk-in closet of my office can barely be walked-in.  I still have about a dozen boxes unpacked in there.  It's all "necessary stuff" or at least that's what I think. Over beside the crib in the nursery area of my office were a number of folded boxes that had been unpacked.  At least that made me feel like progress hade occured somewhere along the line. Then it hit me! 
I sat back in all the comforts that surrounded me.  Messy as it all seemed there was so much there.  I knew God was trying to show me something, speak to me in that still quiet voice that I hear in my spirit. You see He had already been working through some email contacts with friends in ministry.  I had learned of two opportunities where God was inviting me to join Him. I had reasoned in my mind, according to my finances what I could do and how I could be involved. I knew what God was saying.  FAITH STEPS? - what kind of faith is it that only does what your mind can reason out? Yep, slaughtered, that's what His words did to me. 
I'm familiar with this battle.  I seem to fight it over and over again.  Honestly, I'm not sure why God keeps working with and using me.  It's his pure grace that he doesn't tire of me sometimes.  Oh how precious that is to me!  Anyway, I knew already that God had been speaking to me in my quiet moments with him even prior to this "hit you over the head moment."  Looking around my office, considering the great amount of stuff I had shoved around in my storage unit just the day before, I realized that I was weighted down by holding on to stuff.  It was such a contrast to the opportunities that God had opened up to me.  How could I cling to my stuff while these needs were so great and were right before me.
I've been going to Weight Watchers to lose some weight and lighten my load.  I'm conciously making choices that I know will effect that outcome.  It's the same way with all my stuff.  I need to make some concious choices about my stuff because it most definitely can and will effect the outcome.  That verse in Proverbs states that God will lead me even to the end.  Yes, there's an end coming and I'm not going to need my stuff. I'm seeing once again that sacrifice is pleasing to God. It enables me to lighten my load and enrich the journey of someone else as we travel this journey called life.
Happy Trails!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Transformed - November 9, 2011

Isn't it just amazing what a trip to the hairdresser can do for you?  I love it! It's that bit of time that you make all other demands go away and you trust yourself into the hands of another. Sometimes the outcome is good and other times it's not so good. For me, it's always good because I have a fantastic hairdresser. (Mastercuts Greenbrier Mall - Donald) There, I gave him a little pitch for business but the truth is, he's already busy! 
I desperately needed his care today. You probably thought this was my natural hair color, didn't you?  Hmmm...what's that? You knew it wasn't?  Yes, who am I kidding?!?  Anyway, I had my somewhat dirty blonde faded hair color and then there in my crown was this glowing silver grey. You know, the part we women want to hide because it screams, "YOU'RE GETTING OLDER!"
So, I went in for my appointment. I truly looked forward to it because I'm so used to being in charge and taking care of others, etc. It was wonderful to sit back and let someone pamper me. Granted, I paid a bundle to have that pampering but I've worked hard and deserved to spend some on myself.  And so I did.
My favorite part is the end, when the chair gets turned around and I'm suddenly in full view in the mirror.  It's like an unveiling. I feel like I came in like a neglected dog and then I see a new me in the mirror. I bet you know where I'm going with all this. 
Yep, I thought about how Christ has done that for me. He paid a really big price to take all that's not of beauty in me and transform me into a child of His. In that transformation all that grey is no longer seen. Oh, it will come back just as my sin has a way of reappearing. The great thing is that while I have to save my money because it's going to cost me another bundle when that grey reappears, I don't have to worry about trying to pay back Christ. When Jesus died for me he paid the price for all time. It's like I've got a Jesus gift card.  I'm able to have my sin forgiven, live without others seeing or knowing it and continue on in His love.  Now that's a transformation!
If you need that kind of transformation and you're not sure that you know how to have the one Jesus offers, give me call.  I'll show you how to have that gift card you can't get from any other source.
Blessing everyone,

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

That First Step - November 8, 2011

Life got crazy, hectic and I took the week off from the blog. Funny how you start out thinking nothing will keep you from accomplishing what you set out to do and then life can suck it right away from you.  That's pretty much how it went. I started last week with an amazing step of faith.  Thanks to those who held me in prayer.  I stepped out in faith with $1,500.  I paid to have my book advertised in a national publication, Home Life magazine.  It will advertise sometime in the spring of 2012 with a circulation of 500,000.  Now I realize that I could never get that kind of exposure for $1,500 anywhere else, but still it was a major release of funds for me.  I wanted so much to have all the assurance that it would pay off and that I would reap a harvest from it. Funny how God just loves for it to not be that way! 
A faith journey for me always seems to have those times.  Maybe it's true for you too.  It can be frustrating, to say the least but it also becomes the exhilarating part of the journey. It's as though God leads us to the very edge of all we can accomplish on our own. You know, it's that faith journey where we operated with little of Him and more of us. You don't mean for it to look that way but you're just more comfortable with a faith in which you have a lot of control.
Then in the course of walking with God you realize that you and He are standing on the ledge of an amazing expanse.  At that point He just becomes silent.  He's watching you, perceiving your thoughts.  He knows that you desire to walk with Him and experience an amazing faith journey.  You've even expressed that to Him. Perhaps you, like me have sought to believe He can accomplish great things with you. Now He's led you to a place where He wants to see if you are serious about what you claim. He sees that you know what He wants you to do.  Like me, you may pretend you aren't sure but You know He's asking you to trust Him and step off that ledge of your security, the last part of what you can do on your own.
Don't worry, he sees all your emotions that are going off like firecrackers one after another. Honestly, sometimes I think this is His favorite part of the journey of faith.  I think this because I seem to be here a lot so He musts enjoy it. He knows you want to trust, you want to take that step. I think he just smiles and waits to see if you will.  He knows He's led you to get to this place and He's given you all the knowledge you need about Him in order for you to make the choice to believe and trust. He watches as you rationalize, evaluate and scrutinize the possiblities.  And then He sees you finally abandon all that reasoning and lean forward into a step of faith. God's silence seems to break when you take that first step because in taking that step, you have finally thrown yourself upon His goodness, His power and His purposes.
I still don't know what the outcome of that $1,500 investment will be but I know that He has always shown me that when I trust, He will be faithful.  He always is and always will be.  I want to be faithful to Him in that same way. I'm learning that it's not about the amount we release but instead the attitude of ownership.  If I am His then all I am and all I have is His. Are you standing on a ledge or have you abandoned your security to give it all up and let Him show you the expanse of His greatness?  There's no in between.  We're either on the ledge holding on to our security or in sweet abandonment, we've given all we have to Him.
Watch that first step - It's a big one!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Transformation - October 30, 2011

Honesstly, I feel rather foolish even telling this one. I actually caught myself returning to the car to get the cell phone I had left.  I tapped on the window for Ray to give it to me, saying through the glass, "I need my cell phone." Then almost instantaineously I noticed it. Yep, there in front of my eyes was my other hand holding up my purse and cradling my cell phone! Sometimes I can recover my idiot moments and no one around me needs to know just how much I need a brain transplant.  Not this time.  Ray just stared at me like it was some sort of test or trick to see if his brain was working. Hmmm...come to think of it, I should have used that as my excuse! Instead, I just walked off admiting that I had lost my mind. Not a new admission, I admit. 
Then today I found myself in my Sunday School class with other ladies and wouldn't you know it.  I had to teach a lesson from Romans 12:2.  Yep, it's a verse about the mind.  It goes like this:
"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will."
Sure, I'll take that.  Who doesn't want God's good, pleasing and perfect will.  That's like a Wendy's triple burger with everything on it!  But just like having the burger would require some action on my part, and some sacrifice of a bit of money, experiencing God's will does too.  That verse gives a command for renewal of my mind and that's action, like going to get the burger. If I want to know what God's good and perfect will is, then I've got to have some renewal going on.
The dictionary says renewal is "to replace something that is worn, broken or not suitable for use." Now my mind surely fits into that category!  It's like God's Word is saying to me, "Pat, your mind is not suitable for me to use."  It's crowded with too many things that don't honor me or are just a waste of energies and time. You need to be transformed in your thinking. 
Now back to the hamburger because I do have a point here. :) There's going to be an outcome to eating that triple burger with all the toppings and trust me, it's going to weigh heavy if I eat it and then show up at my Weight Watchers meeting. In the same way, being transformed is going to have an outcome.  The verse is saying that as I allow God to transform my way of thinking (not being judgemental, critical, etc.) then I will experience renewal. The dictionary goes on to say, "to give somebody or something new energy, strength or enthusiasm."  Seriously, who doesn't want that?
I want my mind to have new energy that is fueled by Godly thoughts and not negativity.  I want a mind that is strengthened in the power of the Holy Sprit and I want to feel the enthusiasm of knowing God's good and perfect will.  In my own personal faith journey, tomorrow is a big step of faith for me.  I've laid something at Jesus' altar as I prayed.  It will cost much more than a Wendy's triple.  I'm trusting God in the decision that will be made tomorrow.  I'm feeling like my mind is being transformed through it all.  Isn't that what a faith journey should look like?  Funny how we get it all mucked up with religion, church, and even trying to do good things.  Really, it's pretty simple. Just surrender your truth. Only Jesus can transform this delapidated mind that I have.  It's great giving it over to Him, actually it's very freeing.  Can't wait to see how tomorrow goes.
Till then,

Friday, October 28, 2011

F.A.I.T.H. ~ Fearless Action Involving Total Heart ~ October 28, 2011

Here I am, sitting at that place where I often find myself.  Maybe you've been there before.  It's that crossroads you come to in a faith journey.  The corner of "Easy Belief Street" and "Total Abandonment Drive."  Usually I just continue on my journey cruising down Easy Belief Street.  The road is well paved, a really smooth ride.  I see a lot of friends as I go.  They all look pretty content, not overly excited but happy no less. Nothing ever really changes on Easy Belief Street.  Same old places with the same faces. I can pretty much recite what they're going to say before I even turn in.  But you know, I'm a creature of habit and it is afterall, a comfortable place to be. 
I think about turning on Total Abandonment Drive nearly every time I pass it.  Not that I haven't ever traveled that road. I have but it's just that the road is less traveled and not well paved.  Not to mention, the light when you initially get on that road is so dim. Honestly, it has seemed dark more than once.  Ad to that, you soon realize you have entered a totally reckless area! The few that you encounter along the way seem to have a complete trust that they will get where they need to be.  It's so crazy because you know me, I'm not one for complete abandonment of control.  But then I soon realize that I will not only survive but thrive on this path.  It's actually fun because I begin to see things I've never seen before.  I didn't even realize the free refreshment that's farther down the road from the initial point of entry. 
Now, somehow I find myself back on Easy Belief Street.  It's smooth, no problems to tell about or report to someone. Not really challenging but easy.  The thing is, I get to a stop sign and there's a message there. I squint to read it.  WOW, it's an invitation. It tells about this amazing thing that can be mine if I will turn at the corner of Easy Belief Street.  Then I see it right there in bold print.  You have to turn onto Total Abandonment Drive.  Gee, can't there be another way to get there?  Nope, only one way.  I realize that if I want to accept this invitation then I've got to exhibit faith.  Not some packaged, store bought faith but rather some FAITH!  It what I call Fearless Action Involving Total Heart. It's the kind of faith that seems oversized for the typical travel but fits in perfectly when you turn onto Total Abandonment Drive.  
That's where I am right now.  I've got a God-sized invitation and it's really an enticing one but it calls for real FAITH.  I've been parked, contemplating the decision, spending time asking God what to do.  As I've done this I became increasingly aware that I can't stay parked here.  I won't get anywhere and if I truly consider where I want to be, it's definitely at the other end of Total Abandonment.  I'm in this journey of faith for keeps and I'm not traveling it alone.  Pray with me, and buckle up.  I just let off the brake and made a turn.  Nope can't see a thing yet.  It will take some time but I can't wait to tell you about it later. 
Blessings to all on the journey of faith.
To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see.  Hebrews 11:1 Good News Bible

Thursday, October 27, 2011

October 27, 2011

There it was, broken glass everywhere. Not just the kind that breaks into big pieces but rather those thin glistening pieces that you can't pick up. I heard the crash of tumbling items across my floor this morning. I had only taken one thing off the pile of "stuff" I had slowly been forming into an "I'll get to it" mountain over the last few weeks. You wouldn't think one small item removed would cause such a crash. Slowly I picked up the mess that had been created but then just as I thought I was done, I moved one last thing and there it was. The Paddington Bear china plate, cup and bowl that had been given to me when our first son was born now lay amidst the shards of glass. What had I been thinking putting it with the stuff on that mountain?  It was far too precious an item to be mixed with that stuff! When unpacking a box, I had sat it aside to give to my grandaughter, our son's firstborn. Thankfully, the plate & cup had survived the crash but the bowl had not. The glistening slivers of glass were the remains of several Dollar Tree candle holders. Now the fine china bowl mingled with the Made in China glass. It was an odd mix yet suddenly it reminded me of Jesus.  You see it's like this.  Jesus who was everything perfect, completely without blemish willingly came to this earth to give His life for me.  Me? I'm the just the Dollar Tree type of woman.  You know, the one who can look like I'm a great value when in truth, I'm less than the real thing.  Oh, don't get me wrong.  I want to be the real thing but more often than not I struggle with that.  I had no true insignia until Christ made a way for me to be His child.  Any value in me is found in Christ alone.  Wow, I was frustrated at first by all the mess I had to clean up this morning.  Then I realized how thankful I was that Jesus Christ didn't have that attitude when He came to deliver me. Jesus ~ What a Savior!