Friday, October 28, 2011

F.A.I.T.H. ~ Fearless Action Involving Total Heart ~ October 28, 2011

Here I am, sitting at that place where I often find myself.  Maybe you've been there before.  It's that crossroads you come to in a faith journey.  The corner of "Easy Belief Street" and "Total Abandonment Drive."  Usually I just continue on my journey cruising down Easy Belief Street.  The road is well paved, a really smooth ride.  I see a lot of friends as I go.  They all look pretty content, not overly excited but happy no less. Nothing ever really changes on Easy Belief Street.  Same old places with the same faces. I can pretty much recite what they're going to say before I even turn in.  But you know, I'm a creature of habit and it is afterall, a comfortable place to be. 
I think about turning on Total Abandonment Drive nearly every time I pass it.  Not that I haven't ever traveled that road. I have but it's just that the road is less traveled and not well paved.  Not to mention, the light when you initially get on that road is so dim. Honestly, it has seemed dark more than once.  Ad to that, you soon realize you have entered a totally reckless area! The few that you encounter along the way seem to have a complete trust that they will get where they need to be.  It's so crazy because you know me, I'm not one for complete abandonment of control.  But then I soon realize that I will not only survive but thrive on this path.  It's actually fun because I begin to see things I've never seen before.  I didn't even realize the free refreshment that's farther down the road from the initial point of entry. 
Now, somehow I find myself back on Easy Belief Street.  It's smooth, no problems to tell about or report to someone. Not really challenging but easy.  The thing is, I get to a stop sign and there's a message there. I squint to read it.  WOW, it's an invitation. It tells about this amazing thing that can be mine if I will turn at the corner of Easy Belief Street.  Then I see it right there in bold print.  You have to turn onto Total Abandonment Drive.  Gee, can't there be another way to get there?  Nope, only one way.  I realize that if I want to accept this invitation then I've got to exhibit faith.  Not some packaged, store bought faith but rather some FAITH!  It what I call Fearless Action Involving Total Heart. It's the kind of faith that seems oversized for the typical travel but fits in perfectly when you turn onto Total Abandonment Drive.  
That's where I am right now.  I've got a God-sized invitation and it's really an enticing one but it calls for real FAITH.  I've been parked, contemplating the decision, spending time asking God what to do.  As I've done this I became increasingly aware that I can't stay parked here.  I won't get anywhere and if I truly consider where I want to be, it's definitely at the other end of Total Abandonment.  I'm in this journey of faith for keeps and I'm not traveling it alone.  Pray with me, and buckle up.  I just let off the brake and made a turn.  Nope can't see a thing yet.  It will take some time but I can't wait to tell you about it later. 
Blessings to all on the journey of faith.
To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see.  Hebrews 11:1 Good News Bible

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