Sunday, October 30, 2011

Transformation - October 30, 2011

Honesstly, I feel rather foolish even telling this one. I actually caught myself returning to the car to get the cell phone I had left.  I tapped on the window for Ray to give it to me, saying through the glass, "I need my cell phone." Then almost instantaineously I noticed it. Yep, there in front of my eyes was my other hand holding up my purse and cradling my cell phone! Sometimes I can recover my idiot moments and no one around me needs to know just how much I need a brain transplant.  Not this time.  Ray just stared at me like it was some sort of test or trick to see if his brain was working. Hmmm...come to think of it, I should have used that as my excuse! Instead, I just walked off admiting that I had lost my mind. Not a new admission, I admit. 
Then today I found myself in my Sunday School class with other ladies and wouldn't you know it.  I had to teach a lesson from Romans 12:2.  Yep, it's a verse about the mind.  It goes like this:
"Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will."
Sure, I'll take that.  Who doesn't want God's good, pleasing and perfect will.  That's like a Wendy's triple burger with everything on it!  But just like having the burger would require some action on my part, and some sacrifice of a bit of money, experiencing God's will does too.  That verse gives a command for renewal of my mind and that's action, like going to get the burger. If I want to know what God's good and perfect will is, then I've got to have some renewal going on.
The dictionary says renewal is "to replace something that is worn, broken or not suitable for use." Now my mind surely fits into that category!  It's like God's Word is saying to me, "Pat, your mind is not suitable for me to use."  It's crowded with too many things that don't honor me or are just a waste of energies and time. You need to be transformed in your thinking. 
Now back to the hamburger because I do have a point here. :) There's going to be an outcome to eating that triple burger with all the toppings and trust me, it's going to weigh heavy if I eat it and then show up at my Weight Watchers meeting. In the same way, being transformed is going to have an outcome.  The verse is saying that as I allow God to transform my way of thinking (not being judgemental, critical, etc.) then I will experience renewal. The dictionary goes on to say, "to give somebody or something new energy, strength or enthusiasm."  Seriously, who doesn't want that?
I want my mind to have new energy that is fueled by Godly thoughts and not negativity.  I want a mind that is strengthened in the power of the Holy Sprit and I want to feel the enthusiasm of knowing God's good and perfect will.  In my own personal faith journey, tomorrow is a big step of faith for me.  I've laid something at Jesus' altar as I prayed.  It will cost much more than a Wendy's triple.  I'm trusting God in the decision that will be made tomorrow.  I'm feeling like my mind is being transformed through it all.  Isn't that what a faith journey should look like?  Funny how we get it all mucked up with religion, church, and even trying to do good things.  Really, it's pretty simple. Just surrender your truth. Only Jesus can transform this delapidated mind that I have.  It's great giving it over to Him, actually it's very freeing.  Can't wait to see how tomorrow goes.
Till then,

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