Friday, November 11, 2011

Holding On to Stuff - November 11, 2011

Yesterday was a great day. I had the entire day to work in my office. It was great to hit the Itunes and have songs of praise floating around me as I sat at my computer. In addition to that, Kuerig has their Gingerbread coffee out on the shelves now and there I was, nurturing a warm cup like it was a baby.  Hmmmm....this was going to be a great day!
 I spent the day working on projects that are scheduled for 2012. I get really excited as I am creating and planning. That's because I never know how God will work, who he will bring across my path, or how he even might change my plans so they are aligned more with His.  I surely want Him to do that.  I can't always know what He wants when I am beginning a work for Him but I do know He is always able to show me along the way. I don't just wish for that, I have been promised by Him that He will do just that.  "For this God is our God forever and ever, he will be our guide even tot he end." Proverbs 48:14
As I worked, sometimes moving about my office, I began to see the toll that a move, publishing a book, and the hectic schedule had had upon my office.  There were literally piles everywhere!  The walk-in closet of my office can barely be walked-in.  I still have about a dozen boxes unpacked in there.  It's all "necessary stuff" or at least that's what I think. Over beside the crib in the nursery area of my office were a number of folded boxes that had been unpacked.  At least that made me feel like progress hade occured somewhere along the line. Then it hit me! 
I sat back in all the comforts that surrounded me.  Messy as it all seemed there was so much there.  I knew God was trying to show me something, speak to me in that still quiet voice that I hear in my spirit. You see He had already been working through some email contacts with friends in ministry.  I had learned of two opportunities where God was inviting me to join Him. I had reasoned in my mind, according to my finances what I could do and how I could be involved. I knew what God was saying.  FAITH STEPS? - what kind of faith is it that only does what your mind can reason out? Yep, slaughtered, that's what His words did to me. 
I'm familiar with this battle.  I seem to fight it over and over again.  Honestly, I'm not sure why God keeps working with and using me.  It's his pure grace that he doesn't tire of me sometimes.  Oh how precious that is to me!  Anyway, I knew already that God had been speaking to me in my quiet moments with him even prior to this "hit you over the head moment."  Looking around my office, considering the great amount of stuff I had shoved around in my storage unit just the day before, I realized that I was weighted down by holding on to stuff.  It was such a contrast to the opportunities that God had opened up to me.  How could I cling to my stuff while these needs were so great and were right before me.
I've been going to Weight Watchers to lose some weight and lighten my load.  I'm conciously making choices that I know will effect that outcome.  It's the same way with all my stuff.  I need to make some concious choices about my stuff because it most definitely can and will effect the outcome.  That verse in Proverbs states that God will lead me even to the end.  Yes, there's an end coming and I'm not going to need my stuff. I'm seeing once again that sacrifice is pleasing to God. It enables me to lighten my load and enrich the journey of someone else as we travel this journey called life.
Happy Trails!

1 comment:

  1. I wrote something similar to this; but a little different. I don't know how many people of a certain age say to me "I know I have to do something, but I don't even know where to start!"
