Wednesday, November 23, 2011

INCONCEIVABLE! - November 23, 2011

Inconceivable, that's exactly how I felt about it. Late last night and just before retiring to my bed, I was at my computer.  I decided to check in on my author site with Crossbooks, the company that published my book, Faith like Fire.  I hadn't looked at it in while and randomly thought about it, so I decided to check in.  The company had done some redesign work on the website and I had some trouble with my password.  The trouble was me and not the company.  Yes, I'll admit it.  I couldn't remember my password.  Hey, it was late!  Can I use that excuse?
After requesting the password be sent to my email account, I had to wait fifteen minutes to receive it.  I decided to peruse the bookstore while I waited.  I noticed the block of books advertised as Best Sellers.  I'm always curious about not only what books they are publishing but also if there are any recognizable authors.  It's not like anyone knows who I am so I guess I feel like if they published my book, it would be awesome to be in the company of someone whose name is recognized.
I clicked on the Best Sellers and found an interesting array of books.  There was one author whose name I recognized.  It was John Besangno.  He's authored over 30 books so I would expect him to be on the Best Sellers list.  There are only 25 listings for this category and they are listed on two pages.  I hit the "Next" tab to go to the second page and there it was.  Faith like Fire was #16 on the Crossbooks Best Seller listing!!!
INCONCEIVABLE!  The dictionary defines that as, "Unimaginable: impossible to imagine, to grasp mentally or to understand." It further states, "So unlikely as to be beyond belief or thought to be impossible."  Once again, God has amazed me with the pure, unadulterated evidence of His great power!  I left the computer, doing the King David dancing in the streets move and gave glory to God. After my private celebration, I headed off to bed where I could chat with the true author of the book and just say to Him, "Look what you did!"
What a great prelude to Thanksgiving.  I am so blessed and have so much to be thankful for, most of all in those blessings is the way this amazing Father God continues to choose to use me. Perhaps there's something in your life that seems inconceivable to you.  Have you surrendered your small or seemingly insignificant purpose to this awesome God who uses the weak and is made great in the process?  Give it a try.  Less than a full year ago there were two words that I couldn't imagine would ever be used with my name.  They are "Author" and "Best Seller."  Hmmm...makes you wonder what might be the possibilities of God's work in our lives in 2012. It all depends on the amount of trust we have in Him.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. May the Author and Finisher of our Faith bless you all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi lovely lady.
    Im new on your post.. This is a happy place to be reading your post. Im your newest follower on your blog now. I do hope you come over and follow my Teblescape. I also hope you have a wonderful weekend with your family.
    God Bless. Diane
