Saturday, November 19, 2011

Serendipity - November 19, 2011

SERENDIPITY: The accidental discovery of something pleasant,valuable, or useful.
That's what I had today, a serendipity.  My friend called and she was busy ironing. Now the weather has been terribly cold and those temperatures were giving way to a higher mercury and some sunshine. I already know how her Saturday's always involve the care giving of someone else so I asked her about her schedule.  It's usually pretty complex and difficult to arrange time together without planning ahead.  We decided to seize a small block of time while her aunt was having her hair done.  We knew it would be a small window of opportunity to connect but we also knew there was a Starbucks half-way between where we each would be.  Almost with covert style, she called when Auntie was in the care of the hairdresser and she was able to slip away.  I sat out for the Starbucks, as did she, contemplating the whole way which delectable drink I might consume. 
The Starbucks was pretty busy outside but there was no wait inside.  As we checked out the menu, I lamented about how I always order the same thing, a skinny vanilla latte.  I know, I'm not skinny but hey, I'm trying.  But this was our covert, quick little sneak a break for 45 minutes, so I said, "I might just step out of my box." Then as I glanced at the seasonal delights, there it was. A Peppermint Mocha Latte that only had 100 calories was on the board! Wiping my drool from my chin, I excitedly ordered.  Then my friend and I realized that they were a bogo - buy one, get one free from 2-5 pm!  It was 2:15 and God had made His will known to us.  Once we had our drinks we decided to go out to the car and nestle into our seats and begin our 45minute vacation.  It was glorious!  The sun was shining and it was so warm we had the windows down.  Keep in mind, it didn't get out of the 40's the day before!
We had the best time talking, laughing and sharing our hearts.  Really, it seemed to go by rather slow. Maybe it was just that we had slowed down and allowed ourselves to step out of the business of the day and escape from the stress of other responsibilities. We had dismissed the usual habit of thinking that unless we can have a couple of hours together, we're not able to meet. It felt fun to conquer the time, step out of the usual, and to sneak in a visit. I hope it brightened what is usually mundane routine for her.  I know it did for me.
So what's the point of the this blog?  It's to say, "Get out of your box.  Break out of your routine and grab yourself a few minutes of good old fashioned fun."  A mini-vacation with a friend can be 45 minutes in the front seat of your car.You might even get a bogo in the deal.  I think God likes it when we take care of ourselves even in the midst of caring for so many others. He did this himself.  Jesus would be in the midst of a lot of activity.  He'd be preaching, healing, and doing all the "God-Stuff" but he would know when he needed to get in the boat and row out for a bit.  I say, "Get your oars and row out, even if it's only for 45 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. God reveals Himself to me in the craziest ways too; but He always provides!
