Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rest Well - November 17, 2011

Funny how one day the temperature can be nearly 80 and the next day it doesn't get out of the 40's.  Here where I live we had just that kind of change from yesterday to today. Even though it was a bit windy yesterday, I loved the sunshine and the warm temp.We had two days of bliss and then the plunge.  Not only was it colder today it also rained. I'm not just talking about for a few hours but all day long. As I delighted in the beautiful, warm days, I kept saying, "This is no doubt the last of the good weather!"  Can you tell that I'm not much of a cold weather girl?  If you throw all day rain into the cold then let's just say, "I'm not coming out to play!"
So play inside is exactly what I did today.  I kept my nearly 18 mo. old grandson all day long.  I love those days for a lot of reasons but today I loved it for the innocence of play that we so enjoyed together.  We rolled on the floor laughing, we sorted seashells into bowls, we read books and marched and sang.  We nestled up close in the rocking chair and felt the close love that we share. He, nodding off into sleepy land and I, captivated by his presence, seemed to rock endlessly.
Then it hit me.  That's what had been so good about this lousy, cold day.  It slowed me down from all the running around.  It kept me inside and focused on the fun we could have together.  It gave me moments of listening to his great attempts at forming words and sharing his thoughts.  Most of all, it was that quiet, rocking chair time when few if any words were spoken.  It was pure innocence and total trust wrapped in my arms. WOW, do you suppose that's how our heavenly Father feels when I slow down from the rush, spend time with Him and try to put words to my thoughts. Likewise, is He captivated with my complete trust and rest in Him? Yes, I think He is and I just love picturing that.  Spend some time with your Heavenly Father tonight and rest well everyone.

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